Prof. Rich Wolski publishes in Harvard Data Science Review

CS's Wolski co-authors article "Doing Data Science on the Shoulders of Giants: The Value of Open Source Software for the Data Science Community" with Katie Malone from Tempus Labs

Abstract: Open source software is ubiquitous throughout data science, and enables the work of nearly every data scientist in some way or another. Open source projects, however, are disproportionately maintained by a small number of individuals, some of whom are institutionally supported, but many of whom do this maintenance on a purely volunteer basis. The health of the data science ecosystem depends on the support of open source projects, on an individual and institutional level.

As an open access platform of the Harvard Data Science Initiative, the Harvard Data Science Review (HDSR) features foundational thinking, research milestones, educational innovations, and major applications. It aims to publish contents that help to define and shape data science as a scientifically rigorous and globally impactful multidisciplinary field based on the principled and purposed production, processing, parsing and analysis of data.